Observations in media (Addendum)

Marciano Martín
1 min readDec 31, 2019

This post is to guide on my annual review: Observations (2019 in review). If you´re interested in some of these Youtube Channels or content, please follow the links.

I pick one video of each channel, most of them very recent if you want to explore them, but I do not sure if I will agree with them later, “Because everything is contingent”

Brian David Gilbert/ DougDoug

Terminal Montage/ScottFalco


The infographic show/ Half of Interesting

Yes Theory / Dan Mace

Contrapoints / The Art Assignament

Lockstin & Gnogging / Danny Cassale


ExtraCredits — Science Fiction

Zero Books (vlogs)

Keep players engaged

Lord Bung — Confinements Serie SCP



Mashmellow has a videocollection on cooking with other famous people!

Finally, (BONUS) English is a giant meme

